Tusshar Kapoor's new movie Maarrice will be released in India on 18th December 2022. Maarrice movie is a Hindi Thriller Drama movie. The movie's Director is Dhruv Lather, writer Dhruv Lather and producer Tusshar Kapoor, Narendra Hirawat and Shreyans Hirawat. The star cast of the movie is Tusshar Kapoor, Naseeruddin Shah and more. The watching time of the movie is not available. Below you will find the Box Office Collection, Budget, Cast And Crew, Release Date, Hit Or Flop, Story And Wiki of Maarrice movies.
Freddy Movie Cast and Crew:-
Movie Name:- Freddy
Director by:- Dhruv Lather
Writers by:- Dhruv Lather
Producer by:- Tusshar Kapoor, Narendra Hirawat and Shreyans Hirawat
Co-produced by:- Girish Johar, Priyank V Jain
Production Company by:- Tusshar Entertainment House and NH Studios
Editor by:- Ballu Saluja
Music Director by:- Vishal Mishra, Amaal Mallik
Cinematographer by:- Ravi Yadav
Production Designer:- Leena Bhandula
Release Date:- 09 December, 2022
Certification:- N/A
Genre:- Crime, Thriller
Language:- Hindi
Status:- Completed
Freddy Movie Screens, and Box Office Collection India, Budget, Overseas and Worldwide:-
Production Budget:- N/A
India Screen count:- N/A
Overseas Screen count:- N/A
Worldwide total Screen count:- N/A
India box office Nett:- N/A
India box office Gross:- N/A
Overseas Gross:- N/A
Worldwide collections Gross:- N/A
Hit/Flop:- N/A
Running Time:- Not Available
Freddy Movie Roles And Star Cast:-
Tusshar Kapoor --as-- Rajiv Dixit
Naseeruddin Shah --as-- N/A
Rahul Dev --as-- N/A
Seerat Kapoor --as-- N/A
Anita Hassanandani --as-- N/A
Dipannita Sharma --as-- N/A
Aakash Dahiya --as-- N/A
Manvir Singh --as-- N/A
Chelsha Gosai --as-- N/A