Kartik Aryan's new movie Freddy released in India on 2nd December 2022. Freddy movie is a Hindi Thriller Drama movie. The movie's Director is Shashanka Ghosh, writer Parveez Sheikh and producer Gaurav Bose, Ekta Kapoor, Jay Shewakramani, Shobha Kapoor and Amit Ajit Naik. The star cast of the movie is Kartik Aryan, Alaya F and more. The watching time of Freddy's movie is not available. Below you will find the Box Office Collection, Budget, Cast And Crew, Release Date, Hit Or Flop, Story And Wiki of Freddy movies.
Freddy Movie Cast and Crew:-
Movie Name:- Freddy
Director by:- Shashanka Ghosh
Writers by:- Parveez Sheikh
Producer by:- Gaurav Bose, Ekta Kapoor, Jay Shewakramani, Shobha Kapoor
Co-produced by:- N/A
Production Company by:- Balaji Motion Pictures and Northern Lights Films
Editor by:- Chandan Arora
Music Director by:- Pritam Chakraborty
Cinematographer by:- Ayananka Bose
Music Company:- Tips Music Films
Playback Singers:- Arijit Singh, Nikhita Gandhi
Certification:- U/A
Genre:- Thriller, Drama
Language:- Hindi
Status:- Released
Running Time:- 2h.14min
Freddy Movie Screens, and Box Office Collection India, Budget, Overseas and Worldwide:-
India Screen count:- 2000
Overseas Screen count:- 300
Worldwide total Screen count:- 2300
India box office Nett:- N/A
India box office Gross:- N/A
Overseas Gross:- N/A
Worldwide collections Gross:- N/A
Hit/Flop:- N/A
Freddy Movie Roles And Star Cast:-
Kartik Aaryan --as-- Dr Freddy Ginwala
Alaya F --as-- Kainaaz Irani
Jeniffer Piccinato --as-- Avan Unwalla
Tripti Agarwal --as-- Mother of Alaya F